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Easy Drawing Fruits and Veggies for Kids - Basic

     Easy Drawing Fruits and Veggies for Kids   Easy Draw Fruits and Vegetables: Use of Triangle, Circles, and Curved Lines In this article, you will learn some very basic level fruits and vegetables drawing ideas for your little ones. The drawing ideas included here are: Carrot Tomato Corn Brinjals Grapes Orange Pineapple Strawberry Apple Watermelon    Let's Get Started    Pre-requisites Knowledge of basic shapes, such as circles ⭕, lines(|, /,__), triangles๐Ÿ”ป, etc.  Mode of Work  Paperwork. You can use pencils, sketch pens, and crayons, etc. Also, very easy to draw using MS Paint 3D using laptops/desktops/tablets, etc. (online mode). Material Required/Tools Pencils and colors of your choice (sketches, watercolor, crayons) you can also try it on Laptop/Desktop. Approach Follow the step provided with the depicted images.  Fill in the colors of your choice to give them a tinge.    1. Carrot   Step-wise easy drawings- carrot    2. Tomato   Step-wise easy drawings- tomato    3.

If your "Dreams" Mean To You!

Many best wishes to you for the new year✨! Let's start it with the motivation to give our life meaning and accomplish our dreams! Maybe this new Year message can change someone's life! Few Magic words for everyone who understands "What Dreams mean!"

"If Your Dreams Mean to You"

❇❇ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ❇❇- - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - -❇❇ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - -❇❇ 

1. Believe in yourself! If u will not, nobody else will. People are here to criticize you but, there will be only a few to support you! So be your own cheerleader!

 2. Bring those ethics and qualities in yourself necessary for what you want to become in the future! Work on these skills regularly.

3. Keep yourself motivated ! and ignore the people pulling you down! If we are going to consider and listen to everyone, then we have to pay for that. It's going to break your confidence making you discouraged. They have words for you, "No, you can't do that!", " What big you are going to achieve by doing this!". They might tag you as being selfish and blab blab. If you have such kinds of people around and listen to them daily,  unconsciously you start to believe in them, and finally, it becomes your reality! So beware of negative sources, people, places, things, and habits! And show your dedication to your dreams!

4. Start Your Day by reading this Serenity Prayer! These words are exceptionally wonderful. After this, Noodle around and give thought to your dream every morning and night before you go to bed!

Serenity Prayer
Serenity Prayer by Reinhold Niebuhr

5. Start making positive contacts and listen to positive things! Read motivational books, watch motivational videos! Put your favorite motivational quotes on your room walls! Spare few minutes for your mental and physical wellbeing. 

6. Plan and fix a time and Do it Today! Whatever you have decided to work on, take your first step today either it won't be ever.

7. Nobody is perfect! and Rome was not built in a day!  Don't ponder and wait for your imperfections to become perfect. It comes with time and practice.

8. Start talking about yourself proudly in your community, let people acknowledge your skills! Many people getting benefitted by advertising their work online too, so why can't you!

9. Be humble! Become proficient! Act professional! and remember Truthfulness, and Quality matters!

10. There you are! All set to follow your dreams!  So Repeat the above steps every day. You never know where this journey is going to take you! 

"When you finally become 

overcommitted that's when the 

Magic Happens"

-Joe Duncan

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If you like this post, save it, bookmark it, print it, zot it down in your diary, and read the above magic words daily to ignite your passion! You can surely materialize your dreams if you are determined to follow them literally.
Do share it with your friends and family to wish them positive vibes and motivation!

"Live your life consciously! Follow your dreams magnificently!  - Mohini๐Ÿ™

Related: A Beautiful Mind Can Create A Beautiful Life!

               Best Books To Read for Everyone! 


  1. Hello there ! Let me know if you found it worth reading ๐Ÿ˜Š

    1. Getting the positive vibes.. So motivating..
      Keep sharing...

  2. ๐Ÿ’ฏ worth. Its really motivating.
    That Serenity prayer is a precious thing to start the day.
    Happy new year 2021 ๐Ÿ™ƒ

  3. Very thoughtful and keeping my fingers cross with positive thoughts and wishing you and your loved ones Happy New Year 2021


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